Salmon Fishing Seward Alaska

Seward is well known as the Coho (Silver) Salmon sport fishing Mecca of Alaska, no-brag just fact. With our coast-line teeming with abundant schools of bait fish it’s often “FISH-ON” during our Silver Salmon run.

A typical Alaska full-day salmon fishing charter departs the dock at 6:30 a.m. and cruises through the pristinely beautiful Kenai Fjords National Park en route to world-class Alaskan salmon fishing grounds. The trip usually concludes between 5 – 6:00 p.m. The salmon fishing season runs from July through August, with the peak fishing occurring late July through mid-August.

Our vessels are all Coast Guard inspected vessels and our captains are all Coast Guard licensed. Please give us a call or send an email to go over any details or questions you may have.

Silver Salmon fishing starts in July and peaks end of July through mid-August. The best shore fishing is late August with charters ending in September.

We also offer morning and afternoon half-day silver salmon fishing trips.

Full-Day Salmon Charters

Season:July 7 – Aug 31

*All prices subject to change. Taxes and fees not included
10% military discount available subject to limited availability per vessel

Half-day Salmon Charters

Season:July 7 – Aug 31
Check-in:6am & Noon
Return:Noon & 6pm

*All prices subject to change. Taxes and fees not included
10% military discount available subject to limited availability per vessel

What Our Clients Are Catching…

What are they saying?

The ½ day salmon trip was great. We only had a little time and it worked out, we caught 4 salmon each. Thanks for the effort.

John Dyer – Spokane, WA

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